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Fredrik Svensson

Corporate Development Manager at Sandvik

Meet Fredrik, an experienced expert in digital manufacturing with a solid 15-year background in the industry. Having spent 9 years refining his expertise at Dassault Systems and another 6 years driving product and business development at Sandvik, Fredrik brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.

What distinguishes Fredrik is his strong commitment to a customer-centric approach. He strongly believes in actively listening to customers, asking questions to understand their needs, and constructively challenging them when necessary. Fredrik knows that in today’s fast-paced business environment, it’s crucial to meet customers where they are to be able to help them improve.

As one of the architects behind the Lighthouse program, Fredrik, and his team play an important role in gathering invaluable customer and business insights for the SMF organization. He is passionate about harnessing the potential of Sandvik's digital manufacturing portfolio to help customers overcome obstacles and improve their way of working.

Fredrik's enthusiasm for engaging with customers and partners is inspiring. He loves improving processes and finding new business opportunities, always aiming to enhance Sandvik's potential.

In essence, Fredrik is not just a visionary in digital manufacturing; he’s also committed to customer success and sustainable growth. His interest in tracking how sustainable manufacturing will impact the market dynamics shows his commitment to staying ahead and making a positive impact.

Talk to Fredrik.

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