Spencer Strouse
Director of Engineering for Dimensional Control Systems
Spencer started his career in industry working for Caterpillar and moved from a software customer to a provider when he moved to Michigan to join Dimensional Control Systems, Inc. in 2017 (DCS).
Initially, he joined the Engineering Services team as an Application Engineer. DCS is primarily a software company of two solutions: a simulation tool called 3DCS and a data collection tool known as QDM. The primary tasks of this group were to complete consulting projects for prospective software customers, give initial software demonstrations to new prospects, and train new users in how to use the software.
Spencer quickly found a passion in this role for educating users and developers on how the software works and (most critically) how the software and Dimensional Engineering can be adopted into the product design process. Part of that passion for education led Spencer to acquire his ASME Y14.5 Senior Certification in early 2020. This certification helped him improve DCS’s software and gave him the confidence and rapport to give recommendations/critiques within a field full of strong opinions.
By 2023, Spencer entered a new phase of his career by taking on the role of Director of Engineering for DCS. In this role he helps guide DCS’s vision towards the future of Dimensional Engineering. That vision of the future has much more communication between simulation (done during design) and actual data (collected during manufacturing). DCS’s role in Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions looks to help create the “closed loop” of the future by acting as a front-end simulation tool (3DCS) as well as a data collection and reporting tool on the back end (QDM) helping to automate decision making in the design phase and reduce scrap/downtime overall.